Startseite ¦ Oliver Zöllner ¦ Lehre ¦ Publikationen ¦ Datenschutz ¦ Impressum ¦ Englisch

What a term paper should be like.

Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Prof. Dr. Oliver Zöllner

The basic structure of a term paper should be as follows:

1. Introduction: the research problem defined; research questions

2. Overview of (relevant) previous research on the topic; theories

3. Your own case study (e.g., empirical study or desk research; methodology; findings/results)

4. Discussion: how your own case study fits in (or not) with previous research and/or theories; lessons learned; outlook on future research (if necessary)

5. List of references (bibliography), etc.

Please refer to the mandatory standards set by HHU:

* in English here,
* in German here.

See also the very helpful "Einführung in die Techniken des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens" here.

Citation styles:

All common types of citation styles will be accepted. Please choose a citation style and then use it correctly and systematically throughout. However, in the case of American citation styles (APA etc.) in which the author's first name is abbreviated ("Smith, A."), please also write out the first name ("Smith, Andrew").
Please note that this is not an endorsement of the APA citation style. You may also use Chicago, Harvard, or the well-established 'German' footnote style. But do it correctly and consistently.


Use 3 cm margins; Arial, Times New Roman or another legible typefont; 12-pt.

Page/word count:

Write ca. 12-15 pages (that translates to ca. 33,000 to 42,000 characters including blank spaces and the list of references).


German or English. The usual grammar and spelling rules apply.

Advance exposé:

It may be a good idea to send in an outline, or exposé, of your intended term paper before you start to actually write it. The exposé should be brief (max. 1 page) and should include an appropriate title of the paper, a summary of what you intend to write about, and a rough, preliminary table of content (see "The basic structure of a term paper") and perhaps three key sources that support your line of argumentation.

What to hand in, and how:

1 PDF by email. No Word documents. Use only your HHU mail account, at all times, when writing in.


The usual HHU rules apply. However, I only accept term papers that have been completed within six months after the end of the respective course, so please make sure that you don't register for an 'Abschlussprüfung' examination too late.

» Send the prof an email: oliver.zoellner @ hhu . de

Startseite ¦ Oliver Zöllner ¦ Lehre ¦ Publikationen ¦ Datenschutz ¦ Impressum ¦ Englisch