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LogoData protection

Website editor:

Prof Dr Oliver Zöllner · c/o Stuttgart Media University · Nobelstr. 10 · 70569 Stuttgart · Germany

Phone +49 (711) 8923-2281 · Email: zoellner @ hdm-stuttgart . de

© Copyright/Design 2007-23 Oliver Zöllner

Data protection and privacy notice:

The editor and owner of this private, independent website will do everything in his power to protect your data and your privacy. He has no personal interest in, and does not pursue, collecting and storing any of your data. The owner has tested this website for privacy risks and data-protection flaws using the Blacklight, Webkoll, JitBit SSL Check, and Missing Padlock SSL Checker tools, all of which have not found any serious problems or threats to your privacy. The owner therefore assesses the risks involved in using this website to be very low.

A legally binding data protection and privacy notice (Datenschutzerklärung) for this website, in the German language, can be found at https://www.oliverzoellner.de/datenschutz.html. The full version of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), formally known as Regulation (EU) 2016/679, can be accessed at https://eur-lex.europa.eu.

Do care about digital ethics. Respect privacy and dignity. Consider the 10 Golden Rules of Digital Ethics for a flourishing life, as compiled by the Institute for Digital Ethics (IDE) of which Oliver is one of the founders and directors.

Reading list:

  • Brunton, Finn & Nissenbaum, Helen: Obfuscation: A User's Guide for Privacy and Protest. Cambridge, London: MIT Press, 2015.
  • Grimm, Petra & Zöllner, Oliver (eds.): Schöne neue Kommunikationswelt oder Ende der Privatheit? Die Veröffentlichung des Privaten in Social Media und populären Medienformaten im Alltag junger Menschen (= Medienethik, Band 11). Stuttgart: Steiner, 2012.
  • Grimm, Petra; Keber, Tobias O. & Zöllner, Oliver (eds.): Digitale Ethik: Leben in vernetzten Welten. 3rd ed. Ditzingen: Reclam, 2020.
  • Nissenbaum, Helen: Privacy in Context: Technology, Policy, and the Integrity of Social Life. Stanford: Stanford Law Books, 2010.
  • Rössler, Beate: The Value of Privacy. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2005.
  • Rotenberg, Marc; Horwitz, Julia & Scott, Jeramie (eds.): Privacy in the Modern Age: The Search for Solutions. New York, London: New Press, 2015.
  • Schwartmann, Rolf; Keber, Tobias O. & Mühlenbeck, Robin: Social Media. Soziale Netzwerke und Homepages sicher gestalten und nutzen. 2. Auflage, München: C.H.Beck, 2018.