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(Cover courtesy of
© 2006 Paragon-Verlag)
Oliver Zöllner (ed.):

Der Blick der Anderen.
Europa in der Wahrnehmung von Medien
Afrikas, Asiens und Lateinamerikas.

(= Jahrbuch Medien und Geschichte 2006)

Bochum: Paragon, 2006, 161 pages,
with contributions in English and German

The Others' View: How Europe Is Perceived by Media in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
How is Europe, how are Europeans viewed by seemingly 'peripheral' media systems overseas? How do journalists in those world regions report on Europe? And what is the mediated 'essence' of Europe? What is Europe anyway - in the perspective of 'others'? Seen from afar, it may very much feel 'overseas' and even 'exotic' indeed.

This collection of articles documents a conference organized by the German Association for Broadcasting and History Studies (Studienkreis Rundfunk und Geschichte) in early 2005. Experts of media communication in Latin America, South Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe state their views on how cultures, nations and world regions perceive each other via the media, and give overviews of various media systems.

Table of contents:

Oliver Zöllner: Über die gegenseitige Wahrnehmung von Ländern und Kulturen via Medien. Eine Hinleitung zum Thema des Buchs [On the mutual perception of nations and cultures via the media: A brief introduction]

Heinrich Bergstresser: Strukturelle Probleme der Medien und des Journalismus in Afrika [Structural challenges of media and journalism in Africa]

Hans-Josef Dreckmann: Afrika verkauft sich schwer [Africa sells badly]

Valerio Fuenzalida: Die Medien in Lateinamerika. Entwicklung, gegenwärtiger Stand, Probleme und Perspektiven [The media in Latin America: Development, current status, problems, and perspectives]

Mohammad Ibahrine: Arab Satellite Broadcasting. Regional and Global Impacts

Elena Koch: Medien in Indien. Medienlandschaft und Mediennutzung 2005 [Media in India: Mediascape and media use 2005]

Keval J. Kumar: International News Reporting in Indian Media

Graham Mytton: How Africa Sees Europe

Friedemann Schlender: Medien und Auslandsberichterstattung in Asien. Wachsendes Interesse an Europa – Chancen auch für Auslandsrundfunksender [Media and international news reporting in Asia: Growing interest in Europe - opportunities for international broadcasters]

Rüdiger Siebert: Indonesien: Medien im größten Archipel der Welt. Vielfältig wie nie zuvor [Indonesia: Media in the world's largest archipelago - versatile as never before]

Oliver Zöllner: Medienfreiheit und Zensur in Afrika und Asien. Einige Fallbeispiele [Media freedom and censorship in Africa and Asia: A few case studies]

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